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1275 E Dundee Rd
Palatine, IL 60074
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parts Dept.
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They got my car in quickly and the work was done quickly. Very friendly people!
Great work. No matter how old your vehicle is. They make it run like new. Let's call this Rating Title, "Smooth". After my service at Acura a week or 2 ago, I picked up my friend from work. He closed his eyes as though he was gone to sleep. And I said to myself this is going to be a long quiet rider. Then suddenly half way to his house he suddenly said, Smooth. I said what? He then said this car runs Smooth. I laughed and said, Thanks to my Consultant Aamer and Mechanic Shane. They keep my vehicle running in tip top shape. I said you do know what year my vehicle is? He said, yes. This is a 2007 Model Acura MDX. He said he knows because he worked at a dealership. And I then told him of the work that I had done. I told him my Active dampers have been sitting on a ship for the last 2 years of the pandemic. And my guys at Arlington Acura had to do a conversion kit to switch my active dampers to regular struts. But my vehicle must have been the 1st model made, so it wasn't taking any new suggestions. So after a couple sessions of therapy it finally accepted its new legs(struts). And he said again, they did a great job, this car is running really Smooth. And added, It is well taken care of. Keep up the Great work Arlington Acura.
Acura RDX. A very knowledgeable and friendly service team. Special tank you to Mark Neitzke for a good advice and the help.
Steve from customer service was extremely helpful and friendly. He answered all of my questions, fixed problem with my window and was extremely patient.
Acura MDX . Mark from service department is very knowledgeable,thanks Mark for the help, friendly staff.
It feels so good when; you kind have an emergency and you don’t have to go to the ER, this is just an example. My car did start acting estrange and it was after service hours, first thing in the morning I called the service department and Sean went above and beyond in providing exceptional service and finding a spot to bring my car in an already busy day! Thanks Sean and Aamer!
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