Kinda bummed. - livsdaddec15
Kinda bummed. I was really excited to put a $1,000 deposit down on a Golf R with a manual transmission a couple weeks ago. Last Wednesday I found out I was going to need surgery on my left foot and would be unable to drive a clutch for an extended period of time. I approached the salespeople at GJ Volkswagen to see if it was possible to get my $1,000 back. Had they apologized and politely told me "No", that would have been understandable. However, the sales manager called me and BERATED me, trying to make me feel guilty for being seen at the Subaru dealer talking to a salesperson about a WRX with an automatic transmission! The VW Mark 8 Golf R is incredibly popular and this dealership is charging quite a bit over MSRP for the privilege to own one, so I know they aren't losing money on this car. Thanks to this experience, I am glad called Subaru after talking to the mean dude at Volkswagen and got a WRX GT on the way. Not only does Grand Junction Subaru NOT charge over MSRP or talk to you like garbage, they can get you the car you want with whatever you want in it in almost no time. Shame on me for thinking any company other than Subaru could come through for me when I needed them. I guess I'll kiss the $1,000 I put down at Grand Junction Volkswagen goodbye and chalk it up to an expensive lesson in modern day commerce. Fahrvergnügen my eye.
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